Thursday, April 23, 2015

The congress

"The number of seats allocated to each state has changed over time, and state populations have risen as well. In areas with denser populations, it's easier to come up with creative ways to draw districts…. Some writers, notably John Sides at the Monkeycage and Seth Masket in the Pacific Standard, caution that there's more to the gerrymandering story than just compactness. Seth sums things up by noting that there are any number of factors by which districts can be assessed, including equal population size, absence of racial discrimination, compactness and contiguity of districts, preservation of county or municipal boundaries and preservation of communities of interest…
"Some of these goals run right up against each other," he writes. "While a compact district may be desirable, it doesn’t necessarily reflect how people live or what county and city boundaries look like." Or, as John succinctly puts it, "Representation is about people, not polygons."”

I totally agree with Christopher Ingraham who wrote this in his article “What 60 years of political gerrymandering looks like”. Having more representative in the congress would require more physical space and more confusion would exist on who holds what responsibilities.

It is not necessary to have more congress members because the main point is that the representatives do their job properly. It doesn’t matter if we have 2 representatives or 10 all that matters that citizens get their voices heard and proper action is taken. I just agree with the fact that we don’t need any more representatives all to need is two good leaders representing each state and doing their job properly. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that our society should be represented truthfully and honesty and that the number of representatives would no matter. We should be pay close attention to other problems in our society such as corruption and unethical behavior, which is taking place every where in our society, specially in instittutions from which corruption is not be expected to be. Yes and I agree that the most important thing is that House representatives do their job, which might not happen because corruption starts when the number of representatives are calculated.
