Thursday, April 30, 2015

The presidency

“Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

These are the words spoken by John F. Kennedy that really touched my heart especially because he spoke about how success happens through hardships and every individual in our nation should be aware of that. Even when the economy is not good it is in the process of changing to good if everyone works hard together.

Following laws, rules and regulations is part of the hardships, if everyone in the nation works together for safety and for liberty, our nation we will make USA a better country for everyone. We all from government to common people should respect our country and work hard toward better for everyone.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The congress

"The number of seats allocated to each state has changed over time, and state populations have risen as well. In areas with denser populations, it's easier to come up with creative ways to draw districts…. Some writers, notably John Sides at the Monkeycage and Seth Masket in the Pacific Standard, caution that there's more to the gerrymandering story than just compactness. Seth sums things up by noting that there are any number of factors by which districts can be assessed, including equal population size, absence of racial discrimination, compactness and contiguity of districts, preservation of county or municipal boundaries and preservation of communities of interest…
"Some of these goals run right up against each other," he writes. "While a compact district may be desirable, it doesn’t necessarily reflect how people live or what county and city boundaries look like." Or, as John succinctly puts it, "Representation is about people, not polygons."”

I totally agree with Christopher Ingraham who wrote this in his article “What 60 years of political gerrymandering looks like”. Having more representative in the congress would require more physical space and more confusion would exist on who holds what responsibilities.

It is not necessary to have more congress members because the main point is that the representatives do their job properly. It doesn’t matter if we have 2 representatives or 10 all that matters that citizens get their voices heard and proper action is taken. I just agree with the fact that we don’t need any more representatives all to need is two good leaders representing each state and doing their job properly. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Equal Rights

"The existence of slavery in this country brands your republicanism as a sham, your humanity as a base pretense, and your Christianity as a lie. It destroys your moral power abroad: it corrupts your politicians at home. It saps the foundation of religion; it makes your name a hissing and a bye-word to a mocking earth. It is the antagonistic force in your government, the only thing that seriously disturbs and endangers your Union. it fetters your progress; it is the enemy of improvement; the deadly foe of education; it fosters pride; it breeds insolence; it promotes vice; it shelters crime; it is a curse to the earth that supports it; and yet you cling to it as if it were the sheet anchor of all your hopes. Oh! be warned! be warned! a horrible reptile is coiled up in your nation's bosom; the venomous creature is nursing at the tender breast of your youthful republic; for the love of God, tear away, and fling from you the hideous monster, and let the weight of twenty millions crush and destroy it forever!"

I totally agree with Frederick Douglass’s statement from his speech “History is a weapon; the meaning of July fourth for the Negro”. His prospective is very heart touching of how racism still exist within our society. Even with the law of equal rights, the society still not equal.

The title of the speech is “History is Weapon”, that is very true that the history of slavery scared people’s hearts especially the African American population. There is still racism in United State and it is very shameful that the equal rights law is not equal for all, all the time. Racism has decrease job opportunities even educational opportunities for many African American over years.