Saturday, May 23, 2015


 “The increasing power of the state and the declining power of institutions intended to control it has been in the making for some time. The party system is a notorious example. The Republicans have emerged as a unique phenomenon in American history of a fervently doctrinal party, zealous, ruthless, antidemocratic and boasting a near majority. As Republicans have become more ideologically intolerant, the Democrats have shrugged off the liberal label and their critical reform-minded constituencies to embrace centrism and footnote the end of ideology. In ceasing to be a genuine opposition party the Democrats have smoothed the road to power of a party more than eager to use it to promote empire abroad and corporate power at home. Bear in mind that a ruthless, ideologically driven party with a mass base was a crucial element in all of the twentieth-century regimes seeking total power. Representative institutions no longer represent voters. Instead, they have been short-circuited, steadily corrupted by an institutionalized system of bribery that renders them responsive to powerful interest groups whose constituencies are the major corporations and wealthiest Americans.”

According to the article “Inverted Totalitarianism” written by Sheldon Wolin stating recent ideas about the USA government. I totally like and agree with what he stated about how the government is running now a days. Basically now government is being feed by the interest groups which is driving the law systems to focus on the rich people; to benefit the rich.

Both Republican and Democrat Party are finding ways to gain more power not really focusing on how to make the country better instead corrupting the system. The states power is increasing and The Supreme Court cares less of citizens. This is not normal. Someone should do something about it.

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